I have been kneading again. This time I made some rose buns! The idea is not entirely mine, I borrowed it from a blog called http://www.wendyinkk.blogspot.com
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous, that is all I could say about these buns. But the recipe calls for okinawan sweet potatoes which I could not find anywhere in Holland. I asked the shopkeeper at the Asian supermarket and all he did was laughed. So I was really not sure was he laughing because he doesn't have them in store or he doesn't know what it is? I told him it is some purple colour sweet potatoes and he pointed at the the purple coloured "skin" potatoes. Indeed he was right they were purple but I told him I checked them, they are white inside I need purple. He doesn't have them in the store, so we both laughed (?!). So I have to improvise again doing just without and add coloring to get the pink tone. (I don't think I could try making my sister's haupia pie but I could always go to her and have some, in France if I were to drop by one day )http://i-lostinausten.blogspot.com/2012/05/okinawan-sweet-potato-haupia-pie.html
I made this plateau with some rossettes on it too. Yes it had some kneading involved. It is available at https://www.etsy.com/listing/100462178/rossette-plateau