Friday, July 1, 2011

strawberry mousse

Lucinda (DH France ) is almost a horticulturalist growing vegetables and fruits organically in her homestead in France. She says in the summer she harvested 5 kilos of strawberries every few days. Today she posted how she enjoys her strawberry harvest.

  • They had spent some time wandering desultorily thus, Tess eating in a half-pleased, half-reluctant state whatever d'Uberville offered her. When she could consume no more of the strawberries, he filled her little basket with them; and then the two passed round to the rose-trees, whence he gathered blossoms and gave her to put in her bosom. 
    She obeyed like one in a dream, and when she could affix no more, he himself tucked a bud or two into her hat and heaped her basket with others in prodigality of his bounty.

  • Tess of the D'Urbervilles - 1891 Thomas Hardy

Recipe and photos courtesy of Lucinda (DH France)


  1. aiyoo ... everythign so pretty .. dun know to see the flower first, or the strawberry first or the mousse le ... hehe. Great! I know have a true tried and tested recipe for charlotte liao :-)

  2. this french DH is amazing, a very inspiring spirit! love the mould. wonderful! doe de groeten aan haar! groetjes, melG.

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